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Bitumen-emulsion C60B2 (B3)
Primarily suitable for hole repair with manual technology and recommended with clean, washed rock. Due to the fast rate of degradation, the emulsion can react too quickly on dusty rock or holes full of fine granules and form a bitumen layer before adhesion between the bitumen and rock. Store and use at +40-60 degrees. Do not store in containers for over 7 days as the emulsion’s degradation rate is very fast.
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Bitumen-emulsion C60B4
Primarily suitable for hole repair, both manually and with any specialised machinery. Good dust permeability due to slow degradation and does not instantly react with dusty fine granules on the rock or in pavement holes. It is recommended to heat the product up to +40 degrees before use. Also usable for steeping during stabilisation work.
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Polymer bitumenemulsion C60BP4
Suitable for hole repair, where bitumen requirements are higher, e.g. for avoiding bleeding or stronger but more elastic rock adhesion. The emulsion contains SBR polymers, which make such characteristics possible. Good for using on high-traffic roads and for city traffic with many intersections and slow traffic with many turns.